Monday, November 05, 2007

Ghetto vs. Suburban ........Schools

Back to the schools thing...

Yeah I had a post back in the days when I talked about how schools were a prison yada yada yada.
Well I am back to say more about the damn school systems in my area. I had the privilege to send my oldest daughter to a great school. So I went ahead and took the opportunity to send her, via the okie doke of her going to live with my mother and attend a better school.

I just could not send my daughter to a school where I live cause of the constant fights, the uncaring teachers, staff, and administration.

Now I know that it is easy for me to point the finger and all but the proof is sitting there on top of the pudding. The HS around the corner from me has an astronomical drop out rate. You know its bad when only 30 students graduate out of 200 + seniors. The HS has become a training ground for future criminals. 30 students? you got to be kidding me, and lets not talk about the rates of pregnancy...

Anyways, my daughter was sent to a school in the suburbs and she seems to be struggling a little bit because of the learning or non teaching they did in the previous school she was in.

I recently went to a teacher conf where the teachers are concerned about her. They said she was having some problems and wanted to know if she had a learning disability. My answer was no " she may be having a hard time adjusting to the new school, and also the work load that they give"

When my daughter was asked about the work / home work they had to do her response was " We never really got work cause no one did it so the teacher just didnt give any."

This really pisses me off cause I have two other kids in the same school, and one which is in an advanced program. What the hell are they doing in the school? I mean really! I have a daughter that has to struggle to learn because she was never taught anything. I guess I am just happy that we made the switch and sent her to the other school at this point, and we are helping her to catch up.

Our tax dollars at work huh? These teachers in this district are some of the most paid in the whole state. Where the hell is my service? Why aren't my kids being taught?

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

We're not in this just to make money see?

Long long time ago there was once a blogger who knew what to blog about. Not sure what happened but maybe just maybe he ended up on the rollercoaster of his life and the coaster finally pulled into the station.

Peeples the year 2007 was a highway of hell for the blaster and man there are a lot of things that have changed around here. The veil of darkness is lifting slowly off, and revealing some sunlight. The ghettobyrds are chirping softly and the rabid squirrels are ravaging trash cans in alley ways. The city of death is becoming the city of rest. We are not outta of the line of fire just yet, but things are looking up.

Few months ago I heard that this city has lost its reigning championship of the most dangerous and poorest city in america to some towns in Texas and other places that I cant remember right now. We are still 3rd, but I can tell you that there are less shots then there were last year, and it seems to be getting better everyday. Dont get me wrong there is still drama, but not as much as before. Maybe its because everyone that was everyone has either died or got locked up. Nah it couldnt be. The cops in this town arent any better, than they were before. Its just people are growing up.. nope dont think that is it either. To be truthful I have no idea of wtf is happening. Think people have just gotten so lazy that being number 1 in a negative light has become boring and they have all went to get jobs. Well the last thing is not true.

Seriously though the city has just been growing, and people are moving in from upper classes, as well as many businesses have come into the city providing more stability. Not sure how long it will last but I hope it does since I just bought my house here. Again, I dont want to be here but some divine entity most have a plan or maybe its a big joke, but I am here for a while longer.

I hope that the city does good cause I am a homeowner now and that is important right. I mean I own my place and tax right offs are going to be plentiful. Really I just want to flip and sell the place. Its not that bad, but I just see the dollar signs and maybe it will work out.

Anyways. This city is getting better and becoming stronger. Now the riffraff have to get the eff out in order for it to climb. But then where would my entertainment come from. Sitting in the window like some old hag and watching the activities on the street have become a real job for me and the misses. I mean knowing whos who and who did what have become an addiction.

Laughing and giggling about busted rides that the neighbor keeps buying and losing are comical and checking out the pimped up wheel chairs on the block are so synonymous with our life here. Seems like I am starting to like it.

The weird thing it that the city is doing good but the state is in debt. 37 billion the eff can it be that one of the most wealthiest states is bankrupt. Gah!!! The politicians are really tearing things up here and I cant wait to get out. So as the city does better and the state does worse it seems like I will be ranting more about the state than the city. Seems that the state has a bunch of pimp daddy's and coochie shaking mommas chilling in the statehouse with barcadi and tangeray (dont drink it so dont know how to spell it). This state has become the new ghetto. It is the ghetto of the nation at this point, and has become the cess pool that I want to get out of. See its not always about the city we live it. It is sometimes about the dumb ass parties that run the whole shebang.....

There are lawsuits like crazy in the state. they have private parties, political parties and federal parties sniffing each hole to see if they stink, and then they are on it like a hooker in a whorehouse. How can it be that these people run that much money up and no one stops them.

Well being a law abiding, and tax paying citizen who never votes, like most in the state, could be the reason why. No one things that voting will ever change anything, and they really dont want anything interrupting their lives in reality, it is..

we have to step to the plate and get hose outta of there who are creating more debt, so that we can get others in there that will basically do the same thing. I dont know it looks grim for the state of New Jersey all too grim..Soon we will be auctioned off to the king of spain or something..Im not waiting too long for that to happen. As soon as I can I am selling this place and getting the hell out like the others before me so .. The last person who leaves Turn out the Lights. Better yet eff it!!! the energy bill is over due and the power company will deal with it.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

More bling than you can swing

Power to the people!!! Yeah right!!! More like poorer to the people. Before you go out and waste money on a new pair of sneaks or jeans take a look at the bank account ( If you have one) and make sure that you put a little of that pay check away. Not to sound like a mother or father, but my peoples, my peoples, you need to realize the spending habits of the poorer classes is keeping the economy afloat. Little advice to you all, if you take a portion of your money, no matter what size, you could save up enough to get a house out of the ghetto. There are many plans to help people that are a little short to get in a house.

See my ghetto friends, every country needs a level of poverty to base their economic classes on. So before you spend on More bling take a little change open an account at and save a few duckets for the future. It gets easier once you start, and ING will take money out automatically if you want. Think about it, do you really need those nails done, or do you really need to get that need cell phone with the diamonds that cost about 500 bucks.

Everyone wants to have fun and spend their money while they are still alive, but think about it. When you die you will probably have at least one pay check or a income tax check coming to you that you won't be able to spend. If you have kids you gotta think of them and if you are a single parent you definitely got to think of your children.

So have fun get your groove on at the club, but take the last 5 bucks and save it instead of sloshing down that tenth drink. Your wallet will thank you and so will your liver.

Ghettoblaster out!!!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Got locked up!! Wont let me out!!!

School!!! Ring the bell say hello to your new principle kids!!!

She acts as a warden and keeps the school on lock down. Many parents saw this person as the joe clark solution, and in reality you have just hired the warden from ShawShank Redemption.
The halls are being patrolled in ghetto elementary and no one gets in no one gets out.

There is an understanding that, the administration , has to do what they can to increase the learning opportunities in schools in urban areas, because the kids in these areas are a little more hyper then average kid. (Then again most kids are hyper these days) I mean going to the corner store and buying a breakfast which consist of BBQ chips, blue berry soda, and a handful of peanut chew would not have anything to do it. Now would it?

I am kinda pizzed awf at the fact that I can not walk into my kid's school and see how theyare doing or even see the facilities which I am entitled to. It is a public school but I have to make an appointment. Basically what this tells me, is that, the principal wants to prepare the teacher to do the dog and pony show when the parent comes in to make sure their kid is being taught well. This is like a food inspector calling a restaurant before hand. There is no way that you can get a true feel of your child's learning institution if you are calling ahead. The urban school system sux!!!

This anger stems from one of my dear children having issues with their teacher just being down right nasty. I want to go and observe things to make sure my child is behaving as they are taught to at home, but if I see that the teacher has some issues I willbe sure to point that out too. I mean every parents thinks their child is an angel, but come on some of you...we have all been in school and have acted up at least once, and told a fib to our parents when we got a note sent home. I really want to be fair.

Most of the administrators in this school district make close to a six figure salary, but then you wonder why the kids don't have the appropriate learning materials? Don't get me wrong my hats off to teachers. They have a pretty strenuous job raising and teaching these hi pro glow kids. A lot of the kids in the city come into school with some baggage, and those teachers have to deal with those problems as well.

Back to the Joe Clark wannabes...

I see that you are trying to help but you are excluding those parents that actually do care and also those parents that could help make a difference. Don't cut off the hand to spite the other appendages. You have to utilize everything that you can and take advantage of the added support. Remember parents can make you or break you.

In closing there is really not much to say. I wish that the school systems realize that it isn't the metal detectors or security that is making the school better. That is just putting a band aid on the solution. Good teachers, administrators, and supportive parents will make the school better with out the combination of the three you might as well throw in the towel.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

The Big Take Over

"Slap on your helmet kid, you’re going in..."
"Into school that is."

I am trippin and flippin over the tragedy of the teenage kid that killed 9 yesterday. I have so many hang ups about this and it all is not going to sit too well with you suburbians, but I don’t really care. You have to stay with me. Coming from both sides of the fence I am seeing through different shades right now. First you have everyone claiming that he was a Goth, a neo-Nazi, and many other labels. No matter what he is dressed like, or talked like he was a teenage kid!! He is a kid first and the other things second. Society is losing sight of this. They want to find a label and then associate that label with an influence, most likely so-me poor band or musician.

These kids are hurting and no one wants to address that until it is too late. I am sick and tired of hearing all of this nonsense about what group these kids are associating themselves with. My parents would have had a hell of a time if I had killed myself and my classmates because I followed all of the above. Being a person who is very diverse in my musical desires, they would have said I was a hiphopgothichardcorepunkdeathmetalheadasaurus. People we have to wake up and smell the gunpowder clear away the smoke and see that these kids are trying to tell us something.

Wake up America, this is no matter you can smile at with your conformist view and sweep it under the rug attitude. We can't hope it goes away. This is a matter that each parent is had to look into and spend time with their children. We as a society are so money driven we are leaving our children to rot. We can’t hand our kids a bundle of money and hope that they are happy. What is the phrase "Can't buy me love?" It’s funny how the one thing that we want to blame for our kid’s behavior is actually giving us warnings. No one is hearing it; Why?

American schools are becoming a terror zone. The ones that are leading the charge are the very intelligent. They don’t get excepted so they are making sure their name will be remembered for the rest or their peer's lives. Also on the other end when you look deep enough at the center of this are the parents. They are the first to point the finger but are not looking at the three pointing back at them. I’m not saying that all of the kids involved in these shootings had bad parents. I am saying the parents thought they were doing the right thing by leaving these children alone.

A lot of parents think that leaving the kids alone is the right thing. When I say alone I am saying when there is a problem or issue they go with the whole “They’ll figure it out rule." As of now that rule does not apply; Not to toot the “when I was that age" horn, but we could deal with most things, and our parents were involved. There is one thing that I will blame for these kids lashing out, and that is technology.

Technology is changing life as we know it. The average kid does not need to go outside. The average kid can have friends that are more like them without really ever seeing those friends. We can be the cool and the cool can be even cooler online. The problem is that once you log off you are just you and you are not "vlad the impaler" any more. You have to slide back into the body of problems that you left in the real world. Technology is limiting our social abilities. So in those limitations are the problems of dealing with a person face to face. Seems like the warnings from Ted Kaczynski are actually starting to make sense. Let me state right now that I am not an advocate of his beliefs, but there were some things in his manifesto that struck a cord. Also being one of the employed in Information Technology I believe it has made life easier but it is also starting to take over.

As you look around you see more and more cities adopting city cams and everything. Slowly people are becoming less human. We can barely tolerate one another, and eventually those you thought you could trust won’t be trust worthy any longer. We'll be all watching our property line with shot gun in hand waiting for someone anyone to close in. Then Bam!!! “Sorry ma' I told ya I don’t want any!!! Now get back over the property line or Ill have to kill you!!!"

Last words, to everyone we have to learn how to be kind again. Treat each other with informal respect, because everyone has something to offer to this world. Take a moment and say hi to that person you never talk to and make them feel like there is still a kind heart left on this cold block of ice we call earth.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Drive by.....

This is a quickie... nothing too deep, just a keeping in touch post. I have so much to say. My thoughts are whizzing by like bullets flying outta gat, while riding through the hood at 90 miles per hours G'. I need time to focus, really center my thoughts. I want to make sure things are on the level for those of you out there. When I spit fire I want it to be hot and correct. I want it to hit you square in the dome causing a connection, an outta body experience. When you place on those glasses, I want you to see and feel as though you were right there on the front lines soldier. You need to feel the heat of the streets, I’m talking that summer time seeing mirage like images heat. So when we kick this off we're gonna talk about some stuff that is gonna raise some brows. We here at GhettoVision have stuff like: "Living in a Ghetto Paradise", "Drug Boi's how much do they really make?", "Catch a piggy by the toe", I got some things brewing that will make you look twice out your window before you walk out on the street so stay with me. Check back on a daily basis, and yo!!! Let's get real!!! Give me some shouts about your town, your hood, barrio, trailer park. Where ever you are there has to be some type of ghetto near by. Fortunately, New Jersey has a lot of them. Peace out!!!

Monday, March 21, 2005


When you look out your window and see that the buildings are crumbling. (Ghetto) The people on the block are staying indoors, and their children only come out to play in the mid afternoon. (Ghetto) When gunshots and little tiny sandwich baggies are the norm. (Ghetto) When schools start having metal detectors and police officers walking the halls. Ghetto. When you clean your sidewalk the night before and wake up to more trash on your door step. When the words food stamps and section 8 are synomous with yours or others daily living situation; there is a store on every corner of your neighborhood. When every politician running the city has ended up in jail...........Welcome to the Ghetto!!!

Life is different than ever for me and my family. About 5 years ago I ended living in one the most dangerous cities in America. It is an experience that I will never forget, once I leave(if I ever do). I am learning a lot about the ghetto mentality and those that run the city as well.

I want to capture this life and share it with others from the ghetto point of view. As well invite others living in ghetto type areas to post along with me. If you are from a ghetto or live in one now and would like to post please email me your email addy and I will invite you to post or if you want to remain anonymous send us an email and we will post it for you.

As for now place on your ghetto shades to live through my eyes welcome to GhettoVision.