The Big Take Over
"Slap on your helmet kid, you’re going in..."
"Into school that is."
I am trippin and flippin over the tragedy of the teenage kid that killed 9 yesterday. I have so many hang ups about this and it all is not going to sit too well with you suburbians, but I don’t really care. You have to stay with me. Coming from both sides of the fence I am seeing through different shades right now. First you have everyone claiming that he was a Goth, a neo-Nazi, and many other labels. No matter what he is dressed like, or talked like he was a teenage kid!! He is a kid first and the other things second. Society is losing sight of this. They want to find a label and then associate that label with an influence, most likely so-me poor band or musician.
These kids are hurting and no one wants to address that until it is too late. I am sick and tired of hearing all of this nonsense about what group these kids are associating themselves with. My parents would have had a hell of a time if I had killed myself and my classmates because I followed all of the above. Being a person who is very diverse in my musical desires, they would have said I was a hiphopgothichardcorepunkdeathmetalheadasaurus. People we have to wake up and smell the gunpowder clear away the smoke and see that these kids are trying to tell us something.
Wake up America, this is no matter you can smile at with your conformist view and sweep it under the rug attitude. We can't hope it goes away. This is a matter that each parent is had to look into and spend time with their children. We as a society are so money driven we are leaving our children to rot. We can’t hand our kids a bundle of money and hope that they are happy. What is the phrase "Can't buy me love?" It’s funny how the one thing that we want to blame for our kid’s behavior is actually giving us warnings. No one is hearing it; Why?
American schools are becoming a terror zone. The ones that are leading the charge are the very intelligent. They don’t get excepted so they are making sure their name will be remembered for the rest or their peer's lives. Also on the other end when you look deep enough at the center of this are the parents. They are the first to point the finger but are not looking at the three pointing back at them. I’m not saying that all of the kids involved in these shootings had bad parents. I am saying the parents thought they were doing the right thing by leaving these children alone.
A lot of parents think that leaving the kids alone is the right thing. When I say alone I am saying when there is a problem or issue they go with the whole “They’ll figure it out rule." As of now that rule does not apply; Not to toot the “when I was that age" horn, but we could deal with most things, and our parents were involved. There is one thing that I will blame for these kids lashing out, and that is technology.
Technology is changing life as we know it. The average kid does not need to go outside. The average kid can have friends that are more like them without really ever seeing those friends. We can be the cool and the cool can be even cooler online. The problem is that once you log off you are just you and you are not "vlad the impaler" any more. You have to slide back into the body of problems that you left in the real world. Technology is limiting our social abilities. So in those limitations are the problems of dealing with a person face to face. Seems like the warnings from Ted Kaczynski are actually starting to make sense. Let me state right now that I am not an advocate of his beliefs, but there were some things in his manifesto that struck a cord. Also being one of the employed in Information Technology I believe it has made life easier but it is also starting to take over.
As you look around you see more and more cities adopting city cams and everything. Slowly people are becoming less human. We can barely tolerate one another, and eventually those you thought you could trust won’t be trust worthy any longer. We'll be all watching our property line with shot gun in hand waiting for someone anyone to close in. Then Bam!!! “Sorry ma' I told ya I don’t want any!!! Now get back over the property line or Ill have to kill you!!!"
Last words, to everyone we have to learn how to be kind again. Treat each other with informal respect, because everyone has something to offer to this world. Take a moment and say hi to that person you never talk to and make them feel like there is still a kind heart left on this cold block of ice we call earth.
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