Wednesday, October 03, 2007

We're not in this just to make money see?

Long long time ago there was once a blogger who knew what to blog about. Not sure what happened but maybe just maybe he ended up on the rollercoaster of his life and the coaster finally pulled into the station.

Peeples the year 2007 was a highway of hell for the blaster and man there are a lot of things that have changed around here. The veil of darkness is lifting slowly off, and revealing some sunlight. The ghettobyrds are chirping softly and the rabid squirrels are ravaging trash cans in alley ways. The city of death is becoming the city of rest. We are not outta of the line of fire just yet, but things are looking up.

Few months ago I heard that this city has lost its reigning championship of the most dangerous and poorest city in america to some towns in Texas and other places that I cant remember right now. We are still 3rd, but I can tell you that there are less shots then there were last year, and it seems to be getting better everyday. Dont get me wrong there is still drama, but not as much as before. Maybe its because everyone that was everyone has either died or got locked up. Nah it couldnt be. The cops in this town arent any better, than they were before. Its just people are growing up.. nope dont think that is it either. To be truthful I have no idea of wtf is happening. Think people have just gotten so lazy that being number 1 in a negative light has become boring and they have all went to get jobs. Well the last thing is not true.

Seriously though the city has just been growing, and people are moving in from upper classes, as well as many businesses have come into the city providing more stability. Not sure how long it will last but I hope it does since I just bought my house here. Again, I dont want to be here but some divine entity most have a plan or maybe its a big joke, but I am here for a while longer.

I hope that the city does good cause I am a homeowner now and that is important right. I mean I own my place and tax right offs are going to be plentiful. Really I just want to flip and sell the place. Its not that bad, but I just see the dollar signs and maybe it will work out.

Anyways. This city is getting better and becoming stronger. Now the riffraff have to get the eff out in order for it to climb. But then where would my entertainment come from. Sitting in the window like some old hag and watching the activities on the street have become a real job for me and the misses. I mean knowing whos who and who did what have become an addiction.

Laughing and giggling about busted rides that the neighbor keeps buying and losing are comical and checking out the pimped up wheel chairs on the block are so synonymous with our life here. Seems like I am starting to like it.

The weird thing it that the city is doing good but the state is in debt. 37 billion the eff can it be that one of the most wealthiest states is bankrupt. Gah!!! The politicians are really tearing things up here and I cant wait to get out. So as the city does better and the state does worse it seems like I will be ranting more about the state than the city. Seems that the state has a bunch of pimp daddy's and coochie shaking mommas chilling in the statehouse with barcadi and tangeray (dont drink it so dont know how to spell it). This state has become the new ghetto. It is the ghetto of the nation at this point, and has become the cess pool that I want to get out of. See its not always about the city we live it. It is sometimes about the dumb ass parties that run the whole shebang.....

There are lawsuits like crazy in the state. they have private parties, political parties and federal parties sniffing each hole to see if they stink, and then they are on it like a hooker in a whorehouse. How can it be that these people run that much money up and no one stops them.

Well being a law abiding, and tax paying citizen who never votes, like most in the state, could be the reason why. No one things that voting will ever change anything, and they really dont want anything interrupting their lives in reality, it is..

we have to step to the plate and get hose outta of there who are creating more debt, so that we can get others in there that will basically do the same thing. I dont know it looks grim for the state of New Jersey all too grim..Soon we will be auctioned off to the king of spain or something..Im not waiting too long for that to happen. As soon as I can I am selling this place and getting the hell out like the others before me so .. The last person who leaves Turn out the Lights. Better yet eff it!!! the energy bill is over due and the power company will deal with it.


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