Monday, November 05, 2007

Ghetto vs. Suburban ........Schools

Back to the schools thing...

Yeah I had a post back in the days when I talked about how schools were a prison yada yada yada.
Well I am back to say more about the damn school systems in my area. I had the privilege to send my oldest daughter to a great school. So I went ahead and took the opportunity to send her, via the okie doke of her going to live with my mother and attend a better school.

I just could not send my daughter to a school where I live cause of the constant fights, the uncaring teachers, staff, and administration.

Now I know that it is easy for me to point the finger and all but the proof is sitting there on top of the pudding. The HS around the corner from me has an astronomical drop out rate. You know its bad when only 30 students graduate out of 200 + seniors. The HS has become a training ground for future criminals. 30 students? you got to be kidding me, and lets not talk about the rates of pregnancy...

Anyways, my daughter was sent to a school in the suburbs and she seems to be struggling a little bit because of the learning or non teaching they did in the previous school she was in.

I recently went to a teacher conf where the teachers are concerned about her. They said she was having some problems and wanted to know if she had a learning disability. My answer was no " she may be having a hard time adjusting to the new school, and also the work load that they give"

When my daughter was asked about the work / home work they had to do her response was " We never really got work cause no one did it so the teacher just didnt give any."

This really pisses me off cause I have two other kids in the same school, and one which is in an advanced program. What the hell are they doing in the school? I mean really! I have a daughter that has to struggle to learn because she was never taught anything. I guess I am just happy that we made the switch and sent her to the other school at this point, and we are helping her to catch up.

Our tax dollars at work huh? These teachers in this district are some of the most paid in the whole state. Where the hell is my service? Why aren't my kids being taught?